About Creations

Our Philosophy

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Prov. 22:6

Here at CREATIONS CHILD CARE, we believe that the most important beginning of a child’s life is the training they receive. Our main objective is to train responsibility, always be courteous to others, build lifetime learning and developmental experiences, and encourage talents and gifts of each child.

We will fill your child’s day with play, wonder, drawing, painting, singing and some just plain old letting kids be kids. We will create an atmosphere to promote a warm entertaining environment that gives children the freedom to explore and learn. We hope when they go out into the world, no matter how old they are, they will remember their childhood memories at CREATIONS CHILD CARE and wish they were young again.

We are a Christian based learning center that can provide a caring and loving environment for your child to learn and grown in.

Meet Our Directors

Samantha King
Granbury Director

Samantha grew up In Anchorage, Alaska. She is settled in Granbury and has two young children of her own. Samantha began working for Creations in 2017 as a Preschool Teacher and made her way to Director in 2018. Samantha is currently a full time college student earning her degree in Early Childhood Development. She Loves watching children grow and building relationships within the community.

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